PED sent us to an ENT and she in turn sent us to an allergist.
We go to the allergist who does the skin test in her office and when she comes back to check my daughter's tiny back she says "the good news is that nothing popped...the bad news is that neither did the control". :( Not enough room to redo the test on her back...home we go.
Child gets sick a few days later so back to the ENT we go. She prescribes a couple different meds including prevacid!?!?!?!? I call the allergist and she bows to my craziness and says she'll do the bloodtest on her.
Hubby is in London and of course I make the executive decision that he should be the one to take her to get her blood drawn. He's not pleased, but he's out of town 3 of the 5 weeks so he agrees.
I tell her that her Daddy is picking her up because she needs "further allergy testing". Pretty general I thought and genius on my part. yeah me!
He picks her up from school and they go to the office. He not only acts *SHOCKED* that they are sticking a needle half way up her arm BUT he blames me! He says that "mama didn't tell them that she was getting a blood test!"
Blames me! Threw me under the freaking bus he did.
So when I see her I have no choice but to act *SHOCKED* that they took her blood. I make over her and act surprised.
A few days later she's sitting on my lap while I'm looking at my calendar. She pipes up with "YOU KNEW ABOUT THE BLOOD TEST??????" What? What? No! I thought it was a scratch test...I told you that. She says: "then why does your calendar say 3:00 Zoey's blood test"????
Ummmm....remind me again why we thought it was a good idea that she learn to read?