Friday, November 4, 2011

Family Photos

A friend of mine took this photo (and a bunch of others) a couple weeks ago.  Of course this leads me to a dilema...because...well...I am me and I always over think stuff.

Who is the friend you ask?   Some of you may remember (or not) my post earlier this year No Good Deed... .  A person's (I knew peripherally in high school) son was in an accident around the New Year last year.  This would be late Dec 2010.  Several of my friends were rallying around and trying to do a fundraiser to help with potential medical expenses.  I asked what I could do and was put in charge of the silent auction.   It went off great and we raised a total of something like $25K total.  "My" auction raised about $10K.  His son has made a full recovery.

Everytime I see Fred he thanks me obnoxiously (in a good way).  I get it, he's thankful but I don't do so well with the praise.  I say "you are welcome.  Now get over it".   So when I asked him to do my family photos this year I expected to get a bill.  He refused to tell me how much.  I did eventually find out.

Now the dilema is, do I pay him or not, and if so, how?

If I don't we'll be "even" and he'll feel better.  But that leaves me with a sense of having taken advantage of a friend.  I know this is not the case but that's how it feels.  If I send him something he either won't cash a check, we'll fight over handing over cash etc.  So my only real option is a gift card.  I was talking to another friend and they said to just let it be, to suck it up and live with it.

I still haven't decided.  It bugs me to not have paid him for his time.  He probably feels the same way about me doing the auction but x200 because of all the people that helped him at the time.

Either way, the photos are beautiful and I'm more than happy with them.  Thank you Fred.  You may or may not get a gift card in the mail.    :)

Here are a couple of my favorites.